How to Get the Most from Virtual Networking
By Dawn Candy, Strategic Marketing Consultant (I Promote You)
We all miss the days when we could attend a networking event in person, shake hands and hug our friends and colleagues. So how do we take advantage of today’s networking in the virtual space?
Here are a few tips to help you get the most from your virtual networking experience.
Mindset - get in the right head space to attend the event. Meaning, dress professionally, have the event blocked in your calendar and treat it as a face-to-face event. Focus on the meeting and avoid multi-tasking.
Online appearance - make sure your device has a working camera and use it. Keep your video on during the entire meeting and look into the camera when speaking and listening. Make certain your face is well lit. Having a shadow on your face does not help you build rapport or make a connection with others.
Log in early and stay late - most virtual meetings are available to log on 10-15 minutes prior to the official start time, so log on early and talk with the other early birds on the call. After the meeting stay on. Many people will jump off the call, so you have an opportunity to speak directly to those remaining.
Watch the Chat - Meeting engagement is easier when you use the chat feature. You can engage with the group or with someone you would like to connect with later. Always put your contact information in the chat, and when you have a chance to speak to the group, encourage others to do the same if the host has not already done so.
Follow up - As with in person events, it is important to follow up in a timely manner. Reach out to those you connected with or want to connect with and request an appointment to learn more about their business, products or services.
Follow these simple tips and watch how being focused and intentional during your next virtual networking meeting increases your effectiveness.
Dawn Candy, Strategic Marketing Consultant
I Promote You • 713-992-1995 • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.